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St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church (Gilbert, AZ) Podcasts

Oct 19, 2022

Happy Feast of St. Mary Magdalene!

Hello St. Mary Magdalene, 

Last week I communicated that we’ve had a two week delay on our re-opening date, today I’m confirming that we’re on track to meet that deadline and confirm that we are planning on re-opening on August 13th and 14th at all Sunday Masses that day. Daily Masses will resume in the full space on August 15th. Thank you again for your patience. To that end, I wanted to share with you all too, in this Flocknote and on our website you’ll find a wish list of items for our new sanctuary space. We’re asking for these new items in order to ensure consistency, coordination, and coherence of our liturgical items so that they match thematically. It’s similar to doing a remodel in your home and needing new furnishings so that the décor matches. Our old liturgical furnishings will be donated to another parish. I have some ideas in mind and am coordinating that in the weeks to come. Also, today, July 22nd is our patronal feast day, St. Mary Magdalene, so I’d be remiss if I didn’t share a few thoughts about her. She’s often referred to as the “Apostle to the Apostles” a title which denotes her beautiful role and mission as the first witness of our Resurrected Lord. It’s not an indicator that she was ordained a priest, she wasn’t, but she was given a special role. Our word “Apostle” in English comes from the Greek “Apostelos” which means to send. Biblically we see this word used in the New Testament with a double meaning, indicating either mission or rank (such as Peter and Paul the Apostles). In reference to Mary Magdalene then, it’s this first context that the Church applies to Mary Magdalene, that she was sent to announce the Good News of Jesus’s Resurrection to the Apostles who were then sent out to proclaim that same message to all the world. Mary Magdalene then, today is venerated in a particular way reminding us that the call to evangelize, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ isn’t just a role for bishops, priests, and deacons, but for all the baptized, all those who love Jesus. Therefore, in honor of St. Mary Magdalene, who’s an apostle in your life? Who’s someone that’s bolstered your faith? How can you share your faith with someone today and everyday? 

God bless,
Fr. Chris

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