Jul 9, 2022
July Sanctuary Update
Hello St. Mary Magdalene,
Thanks for tuning in to this week’s video. Today is my last
sneak peek preview video because we’re going to be able to move
back into the full space and celebrate Mass in this sanctuary the
last weekend of July. Beginning with the Saturday vigil Mass on
July 30th, and Sunday Masses on the 31st we’ll be back in our full
worship space for all weekend and weekday liturgies.
When we move back in you’ll see the architectural renovations
and the walls primed for our mural work. Our murals are currently
being made, they are custom painted and should be installed before
Christmas 2022. We’re going to continue to use our current altar
furnishings in this space for the next several months until our
custom altar and furnishings are ready.
Looking around now you can see that they’re installing marble
in our sanctuary, so enjoy this glimpse of the marble tile. What
happens between now and re-opening is the finishing of the marble,
installation of carpet and the top of our altar rail. Then,
cleaning up the space and resetting chairs and the overall space
for Mass. We’re also going to be training ushers and clergy on the
new procedures for the distribution of Communion, which will take
place from the rail. At the rail you’ll be able to receive kneeling
or standing and, as the Church permits, either on the tongue or on
the hand. I’ll give more detailed guidance and instructions in the
coming weeks.
Looking at the sanctuary now, you may notice some differences
compared to the concept design posted in the narthex and on our
website. These differences are due to some architectural
discrepancies which were not discovered until after demolition.
Hence, my team and I have had to make some adjustments along the
way, but, they’ve actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise
as we now have actually more room for artwork in these frieze areas
below the arches.
I am excited about us moving back in and the great gift this
renovation will be to our parish community. This is a beautiful
first step in converting our building into a permanent worship
space for the glory of the Risen Lord.
I want to again thank all of you for your continued prayers
and support for this project and for your patience as we’ve
navigated through these difficulties together, trusting in God's
Providence and that He is, as we pray every week, leading our
project “day by day to its successful completion.
God bless,
Fr. Chris
Visit us: https://www.smarymag.org
Donate online: https://membership.faithdirect.net/AZ754