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St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church (Gilbert, AZ) Podcasts

Sep 20, 2021

Saints Hildegard and Bellarmine

Hello St. Mary Magdalene,

It's good to be back with you. I'm so excited to see parish life coming back in full. We've had several programs start within the past two weeks including: EDGE, GS24, Family Formation, and Sacred Music. It's a joy for me to see so many participants in these programs, in that I am blessed to see how and where the Lord is working in your lives.

We also get two powerful saints to celebrate today, September 17th: Robert Bellarmine and Hildegard of Bingen. Both of which are doctors of the Church meaning that they're known for their profound gifts of teaching and witnessing to the Gospel through their talents and abilities. May these two great saints inspire us to offer our own talents and abilities to Christ.

God bless,

Fr. Chris

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